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Businesses - Saviours or just selfish?

Writer's picture: Bhargavi GovindanBhargavi Govindan

Business- a word that has a world of its own. When people think of a business, they associate it with hollow handshakes, forced laughs and overflowing coffers. But, people also support and buy products of a specific brand consistently. Can you guess why?

Every business emerges as an answer to 'how can things be better for people?' At the heart of every business, there is not profit but rather a strong urge to satisfy the needs of the consumers. That is the prime reason for their existence, not commercial motivation.

If this is the case, then why isn't every business regarded noble? Why do some businesses appear cold, and only few friendly?

How can businesses go beyond icy handshakes and awkward smiles?

The difference lies in the way that a business communicates to people. For instance, we know that Nike sells shoes, But, does Nike actually say buy our shoes? No, instead they makes us think that wearing Nike shoes is inspiring and encouraging. For a fleeting moment, we are made to feel like an athlete!

Welcome to brand storytelling!

Nike knows that the secret is not in persuasion but supporting people and improving their life. Thanks to this, you know not just about the brand but also in what way it connects with your life and caters to your need.

Nike's inspirational messages, rather than persuading us into buying the brand's shoes, make us feel like each one of us can be an achiever.

Nike is an example of a brand that has a story and tells it consistently to illustrate how they add value to everyone's lives. Another brand which does this is Spotify.

Spotify appeals to the bond that people share with music and how music fosters bonding between people. Thanks to them, sharing music is not just an activity consuming a few seconds of your time, but opening up of your identity and personality by celebrating the songs you love. Their 'Spotify Wrapped' campaign stands as a testament to this.

Spotify 'Wrapped' campaign does not just report numbers but weaves a story around it, helping you identify with the music you love!

They never talk about themselves but the value they offer through their streaming platform, and how it connects to you, individually and as a community!

Communicating the value of a brand through stories is effective marketing but building a culture embodying the story is even more powerful. This is why people connect themselves to certain brands, fashion trends, music, etc.

You might be thinking, so far what we have discussed is just about businesses which communicate directly to the consumer. What about businesses that sell to other businesses? Would they be able to tell a story?

As long as there is a human in whose lives we could create value, be it a common man or a business leader, there is a potential to tell a story. But, keep in mind that a story should be weaved through consistent efforts and organisational culture, otherwise it would just become a fancy one-liner.

So, what is your story?


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