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Story solutions

Where we help professionals advance their career and become a leader

Storytelling for professionals
Personal branding

Personal Branding

Personal branding

Personal branding

Uncovering your story

Online brand building

Storytelling for job interview

Interview Success

Storytelling for job interview

Interview Success

Storytelling for Job Interview

Personal Branding

Uncovering Your Story

Most often we go about our work without thinking of the 'Why'. The reason you have chosen your profession is extremely personal and unique. Importantly, this informs your day-to-day decisions at work and career direction.

Tellable will work with you to analyse and understand your unique personality, why your work is relevant to society and how we can define your story that you can share with your community and grow your following.

Online Brand Building

Your story precedes you. In this age when people browse through social profiles before connecting with a person, an interesting online presence is essential to make a rewarding first impression.

Tellable will build a personal brand strategy to communicate your story, optimize your resume and social profiles and craft content you can use to demonstrate credibility, grow your network and find opportunities.

Interview Success

Creative Writing

Storytelling for Job Interview

Telling stories in a job interview? Isn't that disrespectful? Shouldn't we all act formal and serious?

We are so used to preparing template resumes and answering rehearsed questions that all qualities of being human are lost between the two people in the interview room.

Tellable will work with you to craft genuine stories about your journey, challenges and achievements that you can share with the interviewer. This will allow you to emotionally connect with them, deliver psychological safety so they hire you and convince them to trust you.

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